Home > Uncategorized > The Luna Diaries, Episode 1

The Luna Diaries, Episode 1

About six weeks ago, our cleaning crew was very late arriving at the office.  When they finally got there, I discovered the reason why.  They had discovered this little cutie patootie abandoned near their car.


Abandoned babykitty?!  And no one can take her home?!  I can’t even explain it, because heaven knows we don’t need more pets, not to mention that we were two weeks away from vacation and didn’t have a backup plan for a babykitty babysitter, but…I absolutely had to have that cat.  Had to.  As in, I cannot go home without that cat, I have to rescue her and I have to do it now.

Of course, you all know I’m nothing if not an obedient wife.  So I texted my husband immediately, hoping he would agree that we simply must own this cat.  Did I inadvertently text my plea via the group text including most of his family, some of whom were bound to be on my side?  Perhaps.  In any case, we spent the rest of the day debating the issue, the ten of us.  By the end of the day, I had to sadly tell my coworkers that taking babykitty home was not the sensible thing to do and I had to decline.

So I tried to ignore my inexplicable need for babykitty, finished out the day and headed home.  I told the kids the story of the adorable kitten, but in my version, I told them that someone else was taking her home.  Hey, I may be manipulative, but I haven’t reached that level yet.  Had Hubs come home to two kids screeching for a homeless kitten, I would have one more cat, but very possibly one less Hubs.  So, when he did get home, I didn’t say anything.  Apparently he could feel the loss emanating from my soul, because he broached the topic.  I immediately discovered that the lack of a baby kitty babysitter was the only issue.  What?!  I’m going to let that cat go homeless because I don’t have a babykitty babysitter?  Inconceivable!!  Guess what…it’s kitty rescue time!!  We can worry about a babysitter later, I’m just not one to let such things stand in my way.

I called the office to make sure kitty was still there, I threw the kids in the car and we raced to get babykitty.  We determined that this is not MY cat, this is my Cutie’s cat.  She agreed to love her and squeeze her and call her George Luna.  And bottle feed her and litter box train her and, most importantly, make her sleep in her room, NOT in my bed.


And that, friends, is the story of how we disrupted and disturbed our three existing pets’ lives.  We’ve had nothing but animal drama since the day she arrived, but my soul rests easy, even when the little beast attacks my feet.  I knew I needed this little Luna, I didn’t know why and I still don’t know why, but I know all is right with the world.  I also know that Cheese may have met his match.


Be on the lookout for more installments of the Luna Diaries, including such stories as, “How the kitten got locked in the refrigerator” and “Babykitty escapes kitty jail.”

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